我公司成立于一九九八年,我公司以做外贸进出口业务为主,进口俄罗斯通心粉;并经营内蒙古名优特色产品有大兴安岭黑木耳、牛肉干、延面、纤维面、羊绒产品、亚麻油,公司有自营进出口权,系自理报关报检单位,并且是增值税一般纳税人,我公司的经营范围全面,业务渠道广阔、经营灵活,可自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口;享有一般贸易与边境小额贸易经营权。 守信诚实是我们的原则,互通有无是我们的愿望;我公司热诚欢迎相关厂家和各界同仁与我们进行广泛的合作,在业务上优秀互补,共同发展增效。 Business enterprise brief introduction
Our company founded in 1998,which runs foerign trade chiefly.The company can manage import and export,can respond tariff by ourselves,and is added tax taxpayer.Our company man―ages kinds of products and technolony.The managed range is all-round,the way of managed method is wide,othwrwise,we have the authority of running general trade and small amount of goods. Our principle is to be honest and keep pronises.Our wish is to collaborate witheach orher.Our manager hse gone to Russia and Mongolia to observe and study several times with the leaders of inner Mongolia province ang Huhhot city.Our business is larger and larger continually and our achievement is higher and higher. Welcome to our company! |